In general, the steps to perform post processing are render the scene into buffer or graphics card first, then apply post processing filter, lastly display it to the screen. Post processing will be changing or manipulating the scene.
Some of the cool effects which considered as post processing are HDR, Bloom, Blur, Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO) and so on...
I've implemented some post processing effects and here are the result:
*Original scene (without applying any filter)
*Black and White effect
*Sepia tone effect
*Negative effect
*Negative offset effect
*Halftone effect
*Sketching + black and white effect
*Tiling effect
*Old scratched film + sepia tone effect
Video demo:
If you are interested to view it in real time, you can get it by clicking the download link:
Key control
1 - Black and White effect
2 - Sepia tone effect
3 - Negative effect
4 - Negative offset effect
5 - Halftone effect
6 - Sketching effect
7 - Tiling effect
8 - Old scratched film effect
0 - Reset
Note: Remember, whenever you want to apply other filter, press 0 to reset first. You don't need to reset if you want to combine few filters together.